
Life Science Lab :

All the life science equipment, models charts, specimen, apparatus & other proper facilities.

Life science represents a systematic study of the life existing in our biosphere. It helps us to understand the life in its all aspects and utilize this knowledge for healthy living in a healthy environment by maintaining proper ecological balance in the existing ecosystems. It is in this context that we have to take care of its proper study on the part of out young generation from the very beginning. The responsibility for its better teaching lies on the shoulders of teachers. As a result efforts should be made for providing appropriate pre-service education to the pupil teachers. A life science teacher should try to learn all the basic skills that how to disseminate expertise. So, keeping is mind the above aim, life science laboratory is well equipped for learning, how to demonstrate experiments.

There are microscopes (Dissects and compound) preserved specimens, Steelton system, 3-D Models and other equipments and apparatus to demonstrate experiments. There are all other physical facilities in the laboratory for doing and demonstrating experiments in the class.

life Science : Lab (Size : 20’x35’)